1.) (Group 1 Mountain): What is the spirit animal?
answer: '7 Horned Buck'
2.) (Group 2 Cave): How does Frye suggest the original Adam was constituted?
answer: both male and female
3.) What does Frye align with destruction and annihilation?
answer: creativity
4.) (Group 2 Mountain): Where did the Grinch have his epiphany?
answer: Mount Crumpet
5.) What is that which makes the descent into the cave worthwhile?
answer: Gnosis-greek word for knowledge that provides transcendence or salvation
6.) According to Frye, nature is symbolic to what?
answer: Maternal
7.) How many mitzvots are in the Old Testament?
answer: 613
8.) What is the name of the first film in the Bergman trilogy?
answer: Through a glass darkly
To Know for Exam:
-The parallels in the Book of Luke
-Book of John....how he spoke to Peter
-The Corinthians-13 looking glass
-Book of Revelations
-Isaac Singer's 'The Slave' (especially pages 289-279)
-Random Dr. Sexson questions
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