Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Examples Of Axis Mundi

The "axis mundi" is a line that starts at the top of the heavens/cosmos/universe and descends to the depths of hell/cosmos/universe into oblivion and forever. However, axis mundi is only the verbal symbol for this idea. One cannot touch, see, feel, hear, or taste this phenomena....believers simply have faith in the existence of it. The axis mundi can be represented by many physical, man-made and natural structures. For example: The ancient Egyptian culture built pyramids which slowly evolved throughout the decades and was conceived by the people as a step ladder that would eventually carry their souls to Osiris (main God of worship) after death. Mountains are probably the most recognizable symbols of the axis mundi but in the end, people recognize a vast number of structures to represent this. These are shown below:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9TGj2jrJk8   "Stairway to Heaven" By: Led Zeppelin

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