Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Women in the Bible

My Notes from Thursday's lecture on Women in the Bible:

-created the heavens, the Earth, animals, landmarks, etc...
-pulling a rib out of Adam symbolizes the taking away of femininity 

Eve- The Mother of all living

Gender: Who plays the role of the masculine?
 The feminine seems to interfere 
 Ex) 2 men in a brawl, if the wife of one of the men grabs the opponents 'genitals' her hand would be cut off.

Levite: Judges 19:
-Rules of hospitality are the same as the rules of gender 
-Protecting his guests (property of the Levite-women/concubine) of all costs

*The wrong was done to the Levite-not the woman (even though she was butchered and her limbs sent to all the territories of Israel)

Testicles...testaments =cognates!!

Cultic Purity: How to worship and how to do it correctly

Questions about the Bible (For Thursday's Quiz):

1.) Who wrote the Bible?
A.) God used men to write the Bible and had them say exactly what he wanted
EX) Moses, David, Paul

2.) How many books are in the Bible?
A.) 39 in Old Testament....27 in New Testament....66 Total Books

3.) Name the 7 deadly sins?
A.) Pride, Covetousness, Lust, Anger, Gluttony, Envy, Sloth

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